Ulf Schmidt / Kate Docking /
David Peace / Andreas Frewer (Eds.) (2024):
Leo Alexander at the Nazi Doctors’ Trial
The Nuremberg Diary and Correspondence
Jahrbuch Ethik in der Klinik
Frewer, A. (Hrsg.) (2024):
Ethical Competencies in Medicine.
German and Global Perspectives.
(396 Seiten).
Königshausen & Neumann, Würzburg.
Weitere Informationen finden Sie hier.
Yearbook Ethics in Clinics
Frewer, A. (Ed.) (2024):
Schmidt, Ulf/Frewer, Andreas/Sprumont, Dominique (Eds.) (2020):
Ethical Research. The Declaration of Helsinki, and
the Past, Present, and Future of Human Experimentation.
Oxford University Press. Oxford, New York (610 Seiten)
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